While most vegans and vegetarians think that we are herbivores by design, we are not! Our biological and anatomical design suggests that we are frugivores!


I’m supposed to eat noting but fruit?

Yes and No!While the notion of being “a fruit eater” may be an extremely radical viewpoint for most, it is imperative to be open to the possibility that that’s how we were originally designed and that we were forced to physiologically adapt over eons from our original diet—the diet that sustained a long healthy life ~ completely disease free!

So what’s the difference between a frugivore and an herbivore?

According to the food chain, frugivores are a group of primary consumers whose natural diet is to consume plant foods from trees and bushes that contain a very small amount of digestible cellulose found in fruits, nuts, seeds, nuts, and various leafy green vegetables. Herbivores, on the other hand, are a group of secondary consumers whose natural diet is to consume grasses from the earth that contain a lot of cellulose. In essence, herbivores have the ability to digest large amounts of cellulose such as in leaves, stems, and roots, with the aid of symbiotic microorganisms, and frugivores do not!

Check it out on ToniToneyTV.Now that you’ve watched this video, I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.

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With all of my love,
